Flat Whites from Down Under

10/09/2013 in


Something’s brewing at 30 Broad Street, and if you’re a serious coffee aficionado, it could be trouble. Bluestone Lane Coffee has just opened a shop (its entrance is on New Street) and is earning praise for its flat white coffee and avocado smashes, both Australian classics that Bluestone is happily importing to Lower Manhattan.

The smash is a sandwich, and Bluestone has a variety of other treats available at this cozy shop.

Director of Operations Aaron Cook took the mystery out of what makes a flat white a flat white–it’s a reference to the espresso drink’s milk. It’s flatter than a typical latte, and, well, is white! And the iced lattes have ice cream muddled into the mix, another classic Australian touch.

Come on down and experience a little Melbourne coffee culture downtown.

Tags: Bluestone Lane, coffee, flat white

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